The effect (vaso-dilation/constriction) is not in response to the oxygen
percentage, but in fact related to the relative levels of carbon dioxide.
Breathing in extra levels of oxygen or hyperventilating will lower the
relative levels of CO2 and result in vaso-constriction.
Andrew "remember to breathe" Austin.
Richard Norman <rsnorman at> wrote in message
news:4daj6.2595$AP1.282851 at
> <et_al at> wrote in message
news:3a8c9cc4 at
> > On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 16:10:06 +0100, "Klein" <chklein at> wrote:
> >
> > >High flow oxygen is the treatment of choice for so-called cluster
> headaches,
> > >a condition of very intense, unilateral pain acoompanied by runny
> and
> > >a runny nose. Rather rare form of headache. The mechanism of action of
> this
> > >treatment is unknown, but it works.
> > >Greetings
> > >C.
> >
> > Oxygen is also an effective hangover "cure," IME
> > Ian
> >
>> Given that arterial blood is normally saturated with oxygen, could
> someone please explain a mechanism by which breathing more
> oxygen could possibly make a difference? Is there really a
> difference between 94% saturated and 98% saturated?
>> I am not saying it doesn't work -- I'd just like to know why.