Glial antibodies

Henk Veldman H.Veldman-2 at neuro.azu.nl
Thu Feb 15 07:48:36 EST 2001

Angie schreef:

> Does anyone know of a robust and fairly clean antibody to use for
> histochemistry that localizes to the cytoplasm of glia, preferably
> astrocytes, both activated and non activated?
> Thanks for any help!

Almost any producer of commercial antibodies will have one or more
preparation in its catalog against GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic
protein), both polyclonal and monoclonal. Try DAKO, Sigma, Chemicon,
well . . . any.
We are using the DAKO polyclonal antibody on sections of fixed rat brain
and on cultured cells to identify and locate astrocytes, much to our


H. Veldman
Laboratory for Experimental Neurology (NMZ)
University Medical Center Utrecht (AZU)

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