In article <3a8a43b3$1_1 at>, "Shamim Khaliq"
<shamimkhaliq at hotmail.comTakeThisOff> writes:
>> >so my question is, is
>> >brodmann area 6 = The posterior parietal cortexes, and area F4 in the
>> >ventral premotor cortex = dorsal stream?
>> >brodmann area 7 = F5 and the AIP parietal area = ventral stream?
>>>> I am also having trouble
>> interpreting the intended meaning behind the equal signs.
>>meaning, are they referring to the same areas/pathways in the brain?
brodmann area 6 is premotor cortex in the frontal lobe, this would include the
ventral premotor cortex. Brodmann area 7 is posterior parietal cortex (actually
the superior parietal lobule in humans). Area 7 (as well as the rostral part of
the inferior parietal lobule) is connected to area 6 and the supplimentary
motor cortex. All of which would be working toward visuomotor performance,
spatial recognition, and the analysis of visual motion.
The ventral stream pathways that I know of, concerned with object recognition,
form and color, involves inferior temporal cortex. This would be composed of
the posterior temporal area and inferior temporal cortex. I don't know there
connections that well, but I understand that they too project to the prefrontal
and premotor areas.