Hello Shamim
I appreciate your effort, but your notes somehow is more extensive than
If you should be interested, I got a link from another person, which
describes, I think, exactly what i needed:
- check out the sections on competitive nets
Shamim Khaliq skrev i meddelelsen <3a8a6173_2 at news.intensive.net>...
>look up "radial basis function network" and "kohonen network".
>i'm in the process of putting my notes online for you at:
>http://shamimkhaliq.50megs.com/NeuralNets/neural_nets.htm . give me a
>to upload.
>Shamim Khaliq shamimkhaliq at hotmail.com <http://shamimkhaliq.50megs.com/>
>Ole Baunbæk Jensen <pbk708 at pbk.dk> wrote in message
>news:96bh33$nlc$1 at eising.k-net.dk...>> hello group
>>>> I'm looking for a description of a competitive neural network, trained
>> hebbian learning rule. I have tried to look on the net, but what I find
>> to give a description of implementation/algorithm, that I can understand.
>>>> Specially im interested in models that include lateral inhibitory
>>>> Any help appreciated
>> thanks
>> Ole