Oliver Sachs

James Teo james at teoth.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Feb 14 14:48:36 EST 2001

On 14 Feb 2001 05:30:02 -0000, Philip.Pike at rgh.sa.gov.au ("Pike,
Philip (RGH)") wrote:

>Dear Sir/Madam,
>A colleague suggested I approach you re. contacting Oliver Sachs. We would
>like to invite him to be key-note speaker at a National Conference on
>Stroke/Stroke Rehabilitation March/April 2002. 
>Is it possible for you to provide me with contact details?

Well, I'll dig it up from the back of my Oliver Sacks book, but just
to let you know that this is not an organisation but just a public
newsgroups (bulletin board like thingey). Next time, search the web.

Oliver Sacks
Clinical Professor of Neurology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, New York NY 10461
United States of America.

Good luck.

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