The Scientific Impact of the Existence of Telepathic Power

Thomas Taylor SPAM-B-GONEtom at stutaylor.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Feb 14 09:03:58 EST 2001

> I usually don't want to spend time to talk something like that, but indeed
> people really don't understand the tremendous impact of the existence of
> telepathy on science.

  You are presupposing.  If you said, "People wouldn't really understand the
tremendous impact of TP on science if TP were proved", I would applaud you

  1)Being stupid (yes people would realise - they'd stop people in the
street and say, "Bugger, that proven telepathy stuff impacts science, don't
it!  Gawsh!").
  2)Not presupposing (which you did, so I won't applaud).

> Doing the experiment to confirm such an existence is not easy because it's
> very political, first of all. Second, hard to find the right candidate to
> do the test.

  "Political"? Only liberals can do telepathy?  It goes against the American
Way?  Nixon wouldn't have liked it?  How is it political?
  And it's NOT had to find the "right" candidate - it's someone who claims
to be able to do something psychic.

> Anyway, even with all these difficulties, it is still worthwile to conduct
> the test if you realize its impact on science.

  This is faulty reasoning.  If I claim that my butt can magically push out
16 tons of (edible) baked beans every second if I want it to, this could
really help starving people in other countries.
  But, just because my "power" could have an impact on things, does not mean
people would have to take me seriously and test me.  The simple fact that no
16 ton piles of beans exist near my house means that I should be ignored.

  It is also worthwhile to try to create a syringe that stops ageing by
sucking out age.
  This was a sketch in a UK TV show.
  "It'll be great if it works!  What a change it will make!" said the
company, and made them, but they concentrated on great it would be if it
worked and not actually trying to make something that worked, and it didn't

> Suppose two guys locked up in two different rooms, not too far away from
> each other. A guy with telepathic power sends out a description of a card
> and the other guy in another room is asked to pick up such a card. Repeat
> and repeat such trial. See the probability whether exceed pure chance.
> If the test result is positive, I can see that it immediately poses
> tremendous explanation demand from neuroscience, condensed matter
> physics, physics, and psychology.

  Great!  I think this has already been figured out though.  What we need
now is - yes! - someone with such powers.  And REALLY, this time, assorted
world "psychics".

> I think the most perplexing part is around the physics. i.e. what is the
> physical theory behind this factual phenomenon?

  You've just said we need to prove the existence of the phenomenon.  "If
the test result is positive".  Can't you point us to someone already with a
positive result?  No?

  Oh well.

  "Factual", it is not.

> Therefore, it must involve some unfound low energy limit physical laws
> behind this phenomenon. Maybe it invokes some quantum mechanical small
> scale structure of spacetime in some good quantum mechanical condition
> like in our brain. In other words, it may involve a low energy limit of a
> combined fundamental forces of electrmagnetism and gravity. If physicists
> accept such mentality, then it consequently poses question on how
> physicists should treat their high energy physics and the unification of
> fundamental forces so that in the low energy regime there is a weak
> coupling of electromagnetism and gravity but with observable effect in
> some good condensed matter condition.

  It could involve dancing, invisible, ethereal birthday cakes.  Have we
looked for them, yet?  It will not "must" involve anything.

> I need to go back and concentrate on my study.

  Of what, may I ask?  I hope you study something more useful than the
possible existence of unproven powers.


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