> MEShinder <meshinder at aol.com> wrote:
> > Shamim Khaliq shamimkhaliq at hotmail.com wrote:
>> >so my question is, is
> >brodmann area 6 = The posterior parietal cortexes, and area F4 in the
> >ventral premotor cortex = dorsal stream?
> >brodmann area 7 = F5 and the AIP parietal area = ventral stream?
>> I am also having trouble
> interpreting the intended meaning behind the equal signs.
meaning, are they referring to the same areas/pathways in the brain? are the
two papers, http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/bbs/Archive/bbs.jeannerod.html and
http://www.uniroma3.it/kant/field/bermudezsymp_gallese.htm talking about the
same or different things. i see a similarity in the following descriptions,
but my neuroanatomy is not good enough to confirm what may be an accidental
coincidence. a simpler question, and more pertinent to my needs, is: are the
same areas involved in visual mental imagery and spatial learning/recall?
> >brodmann area 6 = The posterior parietal cortexes, and area F4 in the
> >ventral premotor cortex = dorsal stream?
1. (marc) Area 6 neurons prepare distal movements and relate to the way the
> hand is shaped prior to and during the action directed toward a target
> object. It is necessary for deciding which of two actions to choose on a
> particular object (e.g. to pull or rotate a lever).
2. (vittorio) The posterior parietal cortexes, and area
> F4 in the ventral premotor cortex, code the localisation of objects in
> space whose outer limits are defined by the working space of the body
> effectors
3. (lecturer) Beyond the visual cortex there's a dorsal stream (for motion
> >brodmann area 7 = F5 and the AIP parietal area = ventral stream?
1. (marc) Area 7 neurons are
> activated during manipulation of visual objects of a given configuration
> (e.g. a push-button, a handle). They are not activated by either
> of the object alone or movements towards the object in the dark.
2. (vittorio) The caudal bulge on F5 contains "mirror"
> (imitative) neurons, which share the same motor actions as the rostral
> neurons, but are triggered by the appropriate hand or mouth movements of
> others, not the object. In the rostral sector of the premotor area F5 and
> the AIP parietal area, these neurons detect the physical characteristics
> the object more than the spatial location.
3. (lecturer) Beyond the visual cortex there's a ventral stream (for object
and place recognition)