brain areas in motor schemas/imagery

MEShinder meshinder at aol.com
Tue Feb 13 22:13:02 EST 2001

In article <3a84f87d_1 at news.intensive.net>, "Shamim Khaliq"
<shamimkhaliq at hotmail.comTakeThisOff> writes:

>so my question is, is
>brodmann area 6 = The posterior parietal cortexes, and area F4 in the
>ventral premotor cortex = dorsal stream?
>brodmann area 7 = F5 and the AIP parietal area = ventral stream?

I've read both papers, and I still don't understand what you mean by "stream".
At first I thought you were refering to the occipitotemporal/semantic/ventral
versus the occipitoparietal/schema/dorsal pathways, but it didn't fit the
question as parietal is mentioned in both of your conditions. As far as area 6
and 7, Jeannerod notes that they are complementary to one another and are
anatomically interconnected (Murel and Bullier 1990). I am also having trouble
interpreting the intended meaning behind the equal signs. 

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