ANN: New Book: Computational Molecular Biology

wolfskil at mit.edu wolfskil at mit.edu
Mon Feb 12 16:15:30 EST 2001

I thought readers of bionet.neuroscience might be interested in this
book.  For more information please visit


Computational Molecular Biology
An Algorithmic Approach
Pavel A. Pevzner

In one of the first major texts in the emerging field of computational
molecular biology, Pavel Pevzner covers a broad range of algorithmic and
combinatorial topics and shows how they are connected to molecular
biology and to biotechnology. The book has a substantial "computational
biology without formulas" component that presents the biological and
computational ideas in a relatively simple manner. This makes the
material accessible to computer scientists without biological training,
as well as to biologists with limited background in computer science.

Pavel A. Pevzner is Professor in the Departments of Mathematics, of
Computer Science, and of Biological Sciences at the University of
Southern California.

7 x 9, 333 pp.
100 illus.
cloth ISBN 0-262-16197-4

Computational Molecular Biology series
A Bradford Book

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