Protocol for brain nuclear extracts?

M. Hertel hippocampus at gmx.ch
Thu Feb 8 05:19:33 EST 2001

Dear colleagues,
Has anyone a reliable protocol for nuclear extracts from brain/hippocampus?
(Should be used in a band shift assay)
Anyone experienced if I need fresh material or if I could also work with
hippocampi "carefully" frozen on dry ice?
Thanks for Your help!

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               Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich
              Ecole polytechnique federale de Zurich
             Politecnico federale di Zurigo
            Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich 

Moritz Hertel                            Tel: +41-1-633 33 08
Institut fuer Zellbiologie               Fax: +41-1-633 11 74
ETH Hoenggerberg, HPM D46 
CH-8093 Zuerich

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