Thanks for the gif offer. I now need to find someone who can create the 8
high quality images. My knowledge is not sufficient to do this ! ;) I'll
keep you psted
Shamim Khaliq <shamimkhaliq at hotmail.comTakeThisOff> wrote in message
news:3a81d40c_3 at
> if you can be bothered to create 8 pictures which make up the animation,
> e.g. get a picture of a neuron and draw little yellow dots moving down the
> axon in each successive frame, i can turn it into an animated gif for you
>> --
> Shamim Khaliq shamimkhaliq at <>
> H Hopking <hhopking at> wrote in message
> news:D9Af6.7537$_B6.28367 at> > Does anyone know where I can find some simple animated graphics of
> > firing? I'm looking for a simple image of a neuron in the middle with
> axon
> > / dendrites branching out and electrical impulses going along to other
> > neurons. To keep it as simple and clearas possible, this will ideally
> an
> > animation rather than photos
> >
> > I have looked at many web-sites and seen nothing near it yet. Surley
> > is not a difficult thing? Does anyone use such things in studies /
> > teaching, or seen video footage I could find?
> >
> > Hope you get the idea!
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >