No idea about the aspirin, but a neurologist where i used to work was trying
putting his patients on highflow oxygen for a couple of hours, if they
presented to his clinic during a migraine episode.
Presumably this would have a vaso-constriction effect.
So, either it constricted the vessel that was dilated and triggering the
pain, or maybe the overall vaso-constriction would releive the localised
effect of the constricted vessel.
Either way, it didn`t seem to work any higher than placebo (by my own
observation), but it was worth a try.
Andrew "no idea on this one" Austin.
MS <marshmallow5 at> wrote in message
news:qjng6.252$z5.33817 at
> I have to disagree about the mechanism of aspirin. Aspirin reduces pain by
> inhibition of prostaglanden E2, which sensitizes nociceptive afferents.
> However, you might have had caffeine in mind, which is a vasoconstrictor
> is used to treat migraine, which agrees with what you are saying.
>> Why is it that vasodilation causes the pain of a migraine however?
>>> Ashish Ranpura <aranpura at> wrote in message
> news:9fr38tsc2l57h08o96k2ceqo02ccq9512o at> >
> > Never one to back down from pure, uninformed speculation: the normal
> > variety of headache results from vasodilation, which is why
> > vasoconstrictors like aspirin can relieve the pain. I've no idea
> > whether migranes follow a similar pattern.
> >
> > But a related question to the group: I have recently heard that some
> > migrane sufferers find regular magnesium supplements effective in
> > reducing the incidence of migrane headaches. Any reasons why magnesium
> > might help?
> >
> > ---Ashish Ranpura.