Finding Reprint Authors' E-Mail Addresses

Richard Gordon gordonr at Ms.UManitoba.CA
Wed Feb 7 23:53:22 EST 2001

Eric Cowdrey and I have put together a web page that makes it 
relatively easy to find the e-mail addresses of academic colleagues, 
for the purpose of requesting reprints:

Finding Reprint Authors' E-Mail Addresses 

There are no a d v e r t i s e m e n t s or costs. If you use it, 
please let us know of omissions, corrections, or improvements you'd 
like, and forward it to your colleagues and create a link.

Dr. Richard Gordon, Radiology, University of Manitoba, HSC Rm. GA216, 
820 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg R3A 1R9 Canada
Adjunct: Electrical & Computer Engineering, Exec Member: CSTB, CARRF, IEEE-EMBS
phone:(204)789-3828, fax:(204)787-2080, e-mail: GordonR at ms.umanitoba.ca
New book: The Hierarchical Genome & Differentiation Waves: Novel 
Unification of Development, Genetics & Evolution: 
Finding Reprint Authors' E-Mail Addresses: 


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