I am not studing biological NN. I guess the answer may be found in
complex number domain which is studied in mathematics.
When a spike of 75mv comes, it must spent a piece of time from 0mv to 75mv
take some time from 75mv to 0mv. The second spike is same. So we can
the sum of the two spikes, to find the time point when the sum is over
And then determind which synapses get more strengthened.
All the above statements maybe wrong. I hope it will give you some hints.
"Lance Sherman" <lancesherman at home.com> wrote in message
news:yWCf6.84700$P5.2264688 at news1.rdc1.il.home.com...
> Suppose a certain neuron requires 100 mv to fire. Suppose one of its input
> synapses gets 75mv, and very shortly, another of its inputs gets 75mv, so
> fires. And each of these synapses is then strengthened, in accord with the
> Hebb rule. Is there any research to suggest if the first or the second
> synapse is strengthened more than the other?
>> If there are any theoretical reasons why one or the other or equally is
> better, I would be interested in hearing those answers, too.