HCI Neuroscience

Mentifex mentifex at my-deja.com
Tue Feb 6 12:45:46 EST 2001

The Artificial Mind in JavaScript requires Microsoft Internet
Explorer at present and will not run under Netscape Navigator,
despite my well-documented efforts towards cross-browser
compatibility.  Anyone who would like to re-do the PD AI
for Netscape Navigator is welcome to Web-post the results.

In article <95oqaa$po9$1 at m1.cs.man.ac.uk>,
  Paul Neave <paul at neave.com> wrote:
> JavaScript Error:
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/jsaimind.html , line 885:
> document.body has no properties.
> JavaScript Error:
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/jsaimind.html , line 311:
> document.body has no properties.
> JavaScript Error:
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/jsaimind.html ?ear=, line 885:
> document.body has no properties.
> That was fun.
> Paul.
Thank you for at least trying the AI.  If you were indeed
using MSIE, then you should not have gotten the error messages,
and I would like to be informed of what MSIE level you have.

The "jsaimind" is now roughly on a par with the original
http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/mind4th.html Mind.Forth AI.

For both the Forth and JavaScript versions, I need now to
crack the incredibly tough problem of runaway excitations
in the "spreading activation" module.  When that bug is gone,
it will be possible to start reasoning with the Artificial Mind
and print-out a transcript of any session, showing whether
the AI brain did or did not make logically rational statements.

This program is not an Eliza-style chatterbot with canned
responses on file, but rather a serious attempt to convert
a very original mind-model (q.v.) into a Web-flitting program
_easily_ accessible to thousands of users of MSIE 4.01 and up.

Once again, thanks, and your own site is really beautiful!

Arthur T. Murray, mentifex at scn.org
> In comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc
> Mentifex <mentifex at my-deja.com> wrote:
> > When a human-computer interface (HCI) represents
> > brain function in terms of sensorium (input) and
> > motorium (output), then a rendering of the brain
> > as an image, a diagram, or a 3D artefact imparts
> > a meatier impact to an otherwise bare-bones HCI.
> > http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/jsaimind.html
> > is one of the first Artificial Minds permeating
> > the 'Net and bearing the HCI burden of teaching
> > users what they are dealing with: a brain-mind.
> > Arthur T. Murray
> > --
> > http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/hci.html
> > http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/neurosci.html
> > http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/standard.html#hci
> > http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/webcyc.html#hci
> --
> http://www.neave.com/

Sent via Deja.com

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