The Scientific Impact of the Existence of Telepathic Power

Nick King nking at atlasinternet.com.au
Sat Feb 3 19:27:20 EST 2001

Perhaps it is the corpus callosum itself that is responsible for
Cutting it therefore damaged the ESP between the hemispheres...

The people who instantly slam suggestions of ESP, etc, probably have not had
a personal
experience, or simply dismissed it as "co-incidence".

Sure, there are a LOT of fakes and frauds - but this does not prove ESP does
not exist!

"Richard Norman" <rsnorman at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:LAJd6.83754$ft6.1969570 at typhoon.mw.mediaone.net...
> "Kwok-Man Hui" <kmhui at math.duke.edu> wrote in message
> news:Pine.LNX.4.30.0101301026160.20443-100000 at tux2.math.duke.edu...
> >
> > Hi, Everyone,
> >
> > I usually don't want to spend time to talk something like that, but
> > people really don't understand the tremendous impact of the existence of
> > telepathy on science.
> >
> > Doing the experiment to confirm such an existence is not easy because
> > very political, first of all. Second, hard to find the right candidate
> > do the test.
> > Anyway, even with all these difficulties, it is still worthwile to
> > the test if you realize its impact on science.
> >
> <snip a lot of stuff here>
> > I need to go back and concentrate on my study.
> >
> > Sincerely yours,
> > Charles
> I remember Roger Sperry (Nobelist for, among other things,
> split-brain studies) saying that perhaps the greatest evidence
> for the absence of anything like telepathy is the total inability
> of the two hemispheres to communicate without direct nervous
> connection between them.  Certainly, if there were two "kindred
> spirits" it would be the left and right hemispheres of one
> individual.  Everything about them would match just right.  Further
> they are so closely apposed that even a weak telepathic signal
> should come through loud and clear!  Yet no split brain patient
> ever showed any ability to communicate that way between the
> hemispheres.

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