The Scientific Impact of the Existence of Telepathic Power

Nick King nking at atlasinternet.com.au
Sat Feb 3 19:18:20 EST 2001

"Richard Norman" <rsnorman at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:LAJd6.83754$ft6.1969570 at typhoon.mw.mediaone.net...
> "Kwok-Man Hui" <kmhui at math.duke.edu> wrote in message
> news:Pine.LNX.4.30.0101301026160.20443-100000 at tux2.math.duke.edu...
> >
> > Hi, Everyone,
> >
> > I usually don't want to spend time to talk something like that, but
> > people really don't understand the tremendous impact of the existence of
> > telepathy on science.
> >
> > Doing the experiment to confirm such an existence is not easy because
> > very political, first of all. Second, hard to find the right candidate
> > do the test.
> > Anyway, even with all these difficulties, it is still worthwile to
> > the test if you realize its impact on science.
> >
> <snip a lot of stuff here>
> > I need to go back and concentrate on my study.
> >
> > Sincerely yours,
> > Charles
> I remember Roger Sperry (Nobelist for, among other things,
> split-brain studies) saying that perhaps the greatest evidence
> for the absence of anything like telepathy is the total inability
> of the two hemispheres to communicate without direct nervous
> connection between them.  Certainly, if there were two "kindred
> spirits" it would be the left and right hemispheres of one
> individual.  Everything about them would match just right.  Further
> they are so closely apposed that even a weak telepathic signal
> should come through loud and clear!  Yet no split brain patient
> ever showed any ability to communicate that way between the
> hemispheres.

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