Water Color Effect - Any information?

Ron Blue rcb5 at msn.com
Wed Dec 19 20:35:40 EST 2001

Closely related to your interest in an article in Science 31 August 2001
"Afterimage of Perceptually Filled-in Surface" which stresses that simple
neural adaptation by bleaching of photochemical pigments is not adequate to
explain the observed global afterimage adaptation involving cortical

I would suggest that this can be understood as a wavelet/opponent
process/oscillon system.

Ron Blue

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nelson Win" <energy_psychology at yahoo.com>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 8:33 PM
Subject: Water Color Effect - Any information?

> Does anyone know where I can find information on the Watercolor
> effect, a new version of the neon color spreading visual illusion?
> The only information I can find on the web seems to be an announcement
> of a talk by its discoverer, Dr Pinna, at Harvard in May this year.
> Any tips on online databases on the subject of visual perception,
> neurobiology etc appreciated.  I am new to the field.  Thanks.
> Nelson


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