"Near Proof for Near-Death?"

John H. John at faraway.com.au
Mon Dec 17 19:11:53 EST 2001

A neuro psychiatrist in Britain has come up with a clever idea. He wants to
place certain unique objects in emergency rooms that can only be seen from
the ceiling or thereabouts. So if people report 'seeing their body' they
will be quizzed as to whether or not they saw these certain objects. Stay
tuned, don't be too cynical, but don't hold your breath either, unless you
want to end up in an emergency room .... .

John H

"Kevin D. Quitt" <Kevin at Quitt.net> wrote in message
news:62C994DA3C29CD92.4F294D6DFAEA6CF2.731CDBC0118B6411 at lp.airnews.net...
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 20:43:59 GMT, igoddard at erols.mom (Ian Goddard) wrote:
> >Medical explanations cannot account for near death experiences (NDEs),
> >according to the results of the biggest prospective study to date of
> >patients who were resuscitated after clinical death.
> ...
> >But the team found no link between NDEs and drugs used to treat the
> >patients, the duration of cardiac arrest or unconsciousness, or the
> >patients' reports of the degree to which they feared death before the
> >incident.
> So that is the complete list of medical explanations?  Somehow I think
not.  I
> also rather expect the research team didn't say "NO MEDICAL EXPLANATION".
> >And most showed significant
> >psychological changes, the team reports. The 23 NDE patients who were
> >still alive eight years later "had become more emotionally vulnerable
> >and empathic", they write.
> Sounds a lot like hypoxia.
> >Van Lommel's team report anecdotal stories of patients recalling
> >events that happened around them during out of body experiences while
> >they were clinically dead. These experiences "push at the limit of
> >medical ideas about the range of human consciousness and the
> >mind/brain relationship," Van Lommel says.
> This presumes the experiences weren't merely fantasies.  Without an
> recording of what *was* going on at the time, it's impossible to relate
> stories to reality.
> --
> #include <standard.disclaimer>
>  _
> Kevin D Quitt  USA 91351-4454      96.37% of all statistics are made up
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