Cloning for spinal research.

John Gentile yjgent at home.com
Mon Apr 30 19:49:30 EST 2001

It's an interesting statement about "following the main stream". If anyone
has followed the story of Dr. Kilmer McCully and his research on homocystine
you might remember that he started at Harvard and was fired for not
following the main stream - that all cardiac research was centered around
cholesterol and lipids. Well, lately he's gotten a promotion and as part of
it comes a professorship at Harvard!

You are absolutely correct to say that research is a quest for knowledge and
should not be stopped - the funding might not be there, but don't stop
because of political winds!

John Gentile                                    Rhode Island Apple Group
yjgent at home.com                                      President
 "I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities"

> From: "Brian" <zhil at online.no>
> Organization: Nextra Public Access
> Newsgroups: 
> alt.bio.technology.cloning,alt.med.cure-paralysis,bionet.microbiology,bionet.n
> euroscience,sci.bio.microbiology,sci.bio.misc,sci.bio.technology,sci.med
> Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 05:08:03 +0200
> Subject: Re: Cloning for spinal research.
> "Michael Flood" <mflood at cybertrails.com> skrev i melding
> news:3AE98835.CD35CA23 at cybertrails.com...
>> Robert Clark wrote:
>>> Many embryos are already made and discarded in in vitro fertilization.
>> If the liberal left right-to-lifer's find out about that, they may want
>> to put a stop to in vitro fertilization. They might say it's wrong to be
>> discarding all those human beings. There really are people who think
>> like that and they would put the welfare of a weeks old embryo above the
>> potential cure for spinal cord injury every time.
>> Wasn't it recently in the news that umbilical cords discarded from
>> birthings had stem cells in the blood? That may be a politically safer
>> source than dealing with embryos.
> Why care for what political nut-cases might say or wish ?
> Science is the thirst for knowledge, and should never be restricted because
> of the liberal lemmings.
> Yeah, those kind of people, looking over their shoulders to make sure
> they're
> following the 'main'-stream.........
> Brian

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