We would like to announce the Beta release of a new Fuzzy Logic based Data
Mining and Modeling software built to run on PC Win9x.
The user feeds the program raw data that it "Mines" looking for patterns
that allow it to form Fuzzy type IF [AND] THEN association rules.
These rules are useful on two accounts.
1. They give the user a linguistically friendly overview of the significant
patterns found in the data.
2. The [expert] fuzzy rules may be used by the Modeling part of the program
(a Fuzzy Logic inference machine) which will allow the user to input test
Antecedent data, which when combined with the Mined Fuzzy Association rules
will form predictions for the consequent subject.
The program therefore makes the data produced by a system that system's
Data from all sorts of fields may be Mined and Modelled, this is a useful
tool for those that work a lot with data and need to automate the discovery
of relationships contained there in. The Modeling capability of the system
allows a user to trial the accuracy of the knowledge (the rules) gained by
Mining with test bed data.
See more about the program and how to obtain a FREE Beta trial copy at