Effects of Infrasound on the brain

Vic Tandy v.tandy at coventry.ac.uk
Wed Apr 25 04:29:19 EST 2001

I am interested in the effects of infrasound on humans and have just
read a paper (written in 1984) where a footnote says the author had a
personal communication with a neuroscientist who said that auditory
driving (in the range 8 to 13 beats per second) is routinely used in
diagnosis. I realise there is a difference between beats and continuos
low frequency sound waves but neuroscience is not my subject and I
wondered if anyone knows what diagnosis this may be referring to. Any
information about experiments concerning infrasound and its effects on
the brain would also be very valuable.

Thanks for your time 

Vic Tandy BA MPhil
School of International Studies and Law
Coventry University
Priory St
Coventry UK

Phone 024 7688 8224 Fax 024 7688 8679

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