Question for paraformaldehyde in PBS buffer

M.Hertel hippocampus at NOSPAM.gmx.ch
Fri Apr 20 02:04:26 EST 2001

Hello Andrew,
my protocol is dissolving PFA in half the amount of ddH2O heat to 60-70
degree C (not more!) if there is still some unsolved PFA after a while, you
can add one or two drops of 1M NaOH without affecting the pH too much, this
should solf the problemes. Afterwards you filter the PFA to a folded filter
(to avoid fast repolymerisation on unsolved polymeres) and fill to the full
Volume with 2x 7,4 pH bufferd PBS. I store this solution up to 4 weeks in
the coldroom afterwards it should be replaced.

For Your second Question regarding a good book, i don't know any I could
recommend on, but there are quite good recepie collections of staining
protocols in the net, just take a search engine to find what you need...

Andrew Huang wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam,
>         Do you ever prepared for 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS buffer?
> In immunohistochemical staining procedure, I found when I dissolved 4%
> paraformaldehyde in 0.1M PBS buffer, there will be lots of
> unsoluable, white materials in bottom. I'm so confused whether it is
> natural results or my procedure is wrong. Could anybody tell me how and
> why it is, please? Thank you!
> Sincerely
> Andrew

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