satchi <satchi at> wrote in message
news:3ADD12E1.2C315CC2 at
>> maxwell wrote:
> >
> > satchi <satchi at> wrote in message
> > news:3ADCB26F.AE7EF6C0 at> > >
> > > Jonathan Allan wrote:
> > > >
> > > > satchi wrote:
> > > > [slice]
> > >
> > > You sliced me! I've been snipped, clipped, and other things, but
> > > never sliced. Are you a Pathologist by any chance?
> >
> > Be careful, satchi !
> > After sliced comes diced. OMG! :-o
>> Oh, God, maybe he's a Ginsu Salesman!
> They don't need to get a foot in the door
> they just cut right through it.
Ah-- you've seen Mifune kill 'shadows' through the garden-house walls!
Excellent, honorable satchi-sama!
> >
> > Mayo clinic is in Minnesota.
>> "One Spage Yee...hold the neurons!"
Arrgh! You really *did* say that!
Ah yes, slivers of fine CNS flesh so thin, they are floated upon the
teased into place upon the gelatin-subbing with 000 sable brush tips.
Served with your choice of sauce-- you want *real* spicy-- you sure?
>> > Minnesota is next to Michigan.
I'm not usually so obvious. Mea culpa.
>> "One frozen swedish meatball...sink em!"
Bachelor farmers eat well!
>> > J. Allen *might* be a pathologist.
> > Kevorkian was a pathologist from Michigan.
> > Pathologists from that neck of the woods ?
> > Might be dangerous-- we know where Kevorkian is-- not J. Allen.
> > I'll try and keep an eye on this Jonathan-- okay?
>> Thanks!
>> > He may be a pathologist, but we've got more than a microtome up
> > at the lab.
>> (See the Ginsu guy, imagine no more sharpening!)
Mebbe. We call 30 microns 'thick' slice.
>> We do neurophysiological studies there-- NISM?
> Yeah, and I'll bet you listen to REM while you're doing it.
We don't even have mike on the NT box up there. You *are* good.
>> > (Good you've got Macky!!)
>> Leave his cortex out of this, he can't help his knee jerk reactions!
Hmmph. Next he'll be humping Kevorkian's leg. Dog's life.
>> > (The TTX darts and airgun are going Fedex to you now)
>> But I don't want tetratodoxin, I want that stuff you can't
> easily trace: succinylcholine chloride!
You have to rub it in, do you now. Okayokay.
It's true-- surgeons have great good time stirring the pudding,
but anesthesiologists have all the *real* fun.
I said it. I hope you're pleased with yourself.
Such humbling.
I'm losing my cingulate gyri before this goes too much
further into the realm of my angst.
Hmm. Nobody's up at the lab now. I could local the scalp,
trepinate, and aspirate. Forget the cingulate--take enough prefrontal
and I could be President!
Gotcha-- it's a definite plan!
>> Satchi
::::...hmmm. Taking brains *from* the lab on a moonless night..?
Now there's a twist on an old theme.....::