satchi <satchi at> wrote in message
news:3ADCB26F.AE7EF6C0 at
>>> Jonathan Allan wrote:
> >
> > satchi wrote:
> > [slice]
>> You sliced me! I've been snipped, clipped, and other things, but
> never sliced. Are you a Pathologist by any chance?
Be careful, satchi !
After sliced comes diced. OMG! :-o
Mayo clinic is in Minnesota.
Minnesota is next to Michigan.
J. Allen *might* be a pathologist.
Kevorkian was a pathologist from Michigan.
Pathologists from that neck of the woods ?
Might be dangerous-- we know where Kevorkian is-- not J. Allen.
I'll try and keep an eye on this Jonathan-- okay?
He may be a pathologist, but we've got more than a microtome up
at the lab. We do neurophysiological studies there-- NISM?
(Good you've got Macky!!)
(The TTX darts and airgun are going Fedex to you now)
Sheesh! Sliced satchi... shamelessly evil man, that Allan. <G>
>> > > Glowing at night does have it's advantages, though.
> >
> > Yep, it's easier to be shot at that way.
> yeah, like foxfire.
>>> Satchi