José Rui Faustino de Sousa <jrfsousaREMOVE00594810 at> wrote
in message news:987535620.341898 at
> "maxwell" <mmmaxwell at> wrote in message
> news:9bhusg$9hdm9$1 at ID-> >
>> There are lots of problems with finding websites on the internet if
> are not in english...
>> As you probably know every search engine is almost completely
> language centred.
>> You have to have in account that they do not even use the same
> alphabet...
>> And I can be wrong but I do not think that english is "lingua
> there...
It is, in science. As example, even when full-text translations of
Russian (and Polish, for that matter)
scientific journal articles are not provided, English abstracts nearly
invariably accompany publication.
>> What I was able to find was this link:
>>>> It lists the International Academy of Information Science as
sponsoring something.
Alas, this refers to a 1999 event-- though thank you for this link!
I've now been over to the site and done extensive hyper-linking
(though not *totally* exhaustive, yet)
and have not so far turned up the Institute in question, though I note
that English names (or trans-literations) are routinely given the
Kazakh institutes listed there. We shall see.
>> It would seam that they are located in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
>> And I have no idea has what would be they russian name...
>> Best regards
> José Rui
Thanks again, José. At least we now know they're Kazakh, or there are
others of the same Institute name.
Post -USSR, a Kazakh institute would be highly unlikely to call
itself 'Russian,' as may be sensed by the writing on the site you
referred to-- distinctly 'national' in character.
>>> --
> The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by
men of
> zeal, well meaning but without understanding. - Louis Brandeis.
>Iam://José Rui Faustino de Sousa
>mailto://jrfsousaREMOVE00594810@esoterica.ptphone://+351-239444940>address://rua Carlos A. Pinto de Abreu nº 30C, 1º 3040 Coimbra
> Real Programmers do sig blocks in Fortran 95.