"maxwell" <mmmaxwell at hotmail.com> writes:
>David Ehrens <nospam at nospam.net> wrote in message
>news:v1YC6.19356$%_1.4966486 at typhoon.ne.mediaone.net...>> These puns are fun, but this still must be regarded as a hoax until
>> proof of publication is offered.
>I don't think I'll wait that long.
>Not only doesn't Valtsev come up on google, but neither does "The
>International Academy of Information Science." The first *could* be a
>spelling error mis-match. Not so for the second term.
While I agree that this smells of hoax or exaggeration, it would be a
mistake to assume that all serious research is done by institutions with
web sites. That's not true even in the United States, much less the fUSSR.
*John Schilling * "Anything worth doing, *
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