Terrafamilia <terrafamilia at irtc.net> wrote in message
news:3ADC6A79.AF61889F at irtc.net...
>>> maxwell wrote:
>> > David Ehrens <nospam at nospam.net> wrote in message
> > news:v1YC6.19356$%_1.4966486 at typhoon.ne.mediaone.net...> > > These puns are fun, but this still must be regarded as a hoax
> > > proof of publication is offered.
> >
> > I don't think I'll wait that long.
> > Not only doesn't Valtsev come up on google, but neither does "The
> > International Academy of Information Science."
>> Sure it does, see
>> Ciao,
>> Terrafamilia
Thank you, but going to the three sites the above link provided showed
_only_ references to such an academy being cited, and not the academy
itself. Unknown why the first five searches I ran didn't pop it up,
but putting the term in quotes produced exactly what you'd found.
Still no society-- most unusual, especially given the title of the
society, no?
Perhaps there's been a name change, and the references in the three
pages haven't been updated?
However, it would be odd were anyone of such academy unaware of it's
new name, were this so;
thus, contemporary reference to a name that does not produce hits,
from an academy that is only scantily
mentioned in reference?
I still smell a rat.
Thanks again, though.