Russians create artificial human brain

Charles R Martin crmartin at indra.com
Mon Apr 16 12:41:31 EST 2001

wroot <wroot at my-deja.com> writes:

> David Ehrens wrote:
> > ...
> >> > But he warned of the potential hazards of the scientific
> >> > breakthrough, saying the brand new brain could turn into
> >> > a Frankenstein's monster if it was mistreated.
> >                                    ^^^
> > Hoax alert!
> > Most journalists would have used the subjunctive, "were".
> > 
> It could be a hoax. You won't find anything on Vitaly Valtsev on the 
> Internet. Even a search for "Valtsev" alone produces only 8 matches on 
> google. 
> I'm still curious if it's true that human brain neurons are substatially 
> different from the rest of the neurons, as far as modeling is concerned.

I could easily be out of date, but so far as I know, the brain's
neurons are _not_ significantly different in terms of micro-anatomy
and the way they generate action potentials and all.

> Wroot

No one is patriotic about taxes. -- George Orwell
				 Charlie Martin, Broomfield, CO USA 40 N 105 W

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