WiSCy99 (Windows scientific and engineering calculator for real, complex
and matrix operation + grapher + unit converter) is a
comprehensive yet easy-to-use scientific calculator. Very thorough and
nicely designed, WiSCy is well documented and has a familiar and attractive
interface that makes it a pleasure to use. Features include support for
color graphs, integration, trigonomic functions, a variety of statistics
functions, a constants list that can be easily edited, unit conversions and
editor for custom units convertor, and lots more. You can even build and
edit lists of user variables and functions. All calculations are logged to a
"tape" that can be saved as text or printed. Graph plots can be also be
saved in one of three graphics formats.
Features List:
- Arithmetic and logical operators and functions
- Common functions such as exp, ln, sqrt, sqr, bnml etc.
- Common, trigonometric, hyperbolic complex functions
- Trigonometric, Hyperbolic functions
- Numerical Integration
- Equations can be solved
- Special functions (Gamma, Bessel's, Si, Ci, erf, erfc, Fresnel's)
- Statistic functions (Average, Standard deviation, Sum, Random,
Gauss random, statistical variance, etc )
- FOR-type loop
- if (...) then (...) else (...) function
- Tape of results
- Assistant and debug: error position fixed
- Plot f(X), Contour Plot f(X,Y), Color Shading f(X,Y),
real 3D-Plot f(X,Y), Derivative, Fit.
- Print results, graphics and print preview
- Save graphics to BMP, WMF, EMF formats
- Matrix Operations(A+B=C, A-B=C, A*B=C, inverse(A)=C,
Power(A,n)=C, det |A|=C[1.1], Solve A(X)=C)
- Decimal, Hexadecimal and Binary bases
- Fixed point, Scientific, Engineering and Sexagesimal notations
- Radian and Degree modes for trigonometric functions
- Precision: 10-12 significant digits.
- Range: _(3.4E-4392 to 1.1E+4392)
- 10 pre defined variables, user define variables
- User define functions
- 30 user defined constants (up to 16000), search and edit file
with constants.
- Stack for expressions (up to 16000)
- Stack for results (up to 16000)
- Unit Converter
- Custom unit convertor
- Evaluate expressions from file
- Simple tape calculator
Changes: Evaluate expressions from file, simple tape calculatur,
custom units convertor.
Igor Evsikov
ievsikov at