Is flashing light/photic stimulation with sonic stim. to change brain waves a legit therapy???

anxiety man saouglubsjb at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 15 03:34:18 EST 2001

Kalman Rubinson wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 09:26:12 GMT, anxiety man
> <saouglubsjb at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >> However, while what you've described probably won't harm you, it is
> >> not a proven treatment.
> >
> >Do you have proof that it doesn't work?
> This is a stupid response to that statement.  There's no proof that
> a diet of mashed potatoes and pistachios won't work, either.

Are you the stupid police?

I think the intention of the statement was clear.

I could have more properly asked if there was a large body of evidence
showing it to be largely ineffective.

Didn't expect a flamer to pop up in a Neuroscience room but I guess
they're everywhere.

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