> However, while what you've described probably won't harm you, it is
> not a proven treatment.
Do you have proof that it doesn't work? I found a study on this type of
therapy helping migraines and PMS. The flashing light is supposed to affect
brain waves and the idea is to be able to train the mind to be able to go
into a certain state at will. It is believed by those who study/practice this
that it would also work on anxiety.
Anyone who thinks it is impossible to train the mind to acheive certain brain
wave states????
> Hypnosis, and I think that this is really
> what this is, with the glasses etc being mostly for effect, has not
> proven to be a great treatment.
Personally, I think it varies from person to person and the problem with
hypnosis IMO is that a lot of people do not follow through with it fully.
Hypnosis is meant to change the way someone thinks about things, just like
> Very few have reported any long term
> (more than a few weeks, if that) benefit
I find that hard to believe, simply because I have a hypnosis tape that I
bought and it definitely has a relaxing effect on me and even helps
semi-"long term". I just haven't used it enough to benefit "long term" yet.
For example, after being hypnotized (just suggestions to relax), I feel less
anxious for hours. It is not a full reduction of symptoms but it's nice. I
feel by doing it often I can experience being calm for days then weeks then
All that I am trying to say is that hypnosis and CBT are really not that
different. In hypnosis, one trains the mind/body to relax and suggests that
this is possible in the long run. CBT is similar in that one changes one's
views on things via logic.
Both of these have worked for me, but it is hard to sustain the relaxation
for long.
> BTW-have you seen a doctor about your anxiety. Some organic
> illnesses can produce anxiety, so you should have a full medical
> including the full range of blood tests (liver function, thyroid
> etc). Only if these rule out organic disease should a diagnosis of
> anxiety disorder be considered.
I've seen doctors many times and never have gotten a bad report. I haven't
had a blood test in years but this condition has been with me 7 years. Also,
the symptoms I feel all show themselves during panic attacks. This leads me
to believe that it is most likely a bad case of anxiety. I am anxious about
blood tests but I'm going to get one soon... the worst thing that could
happen is fainting so I'm going through with that.
> You also may find that alt.support.anxiety-panic is a better forum
> for anxiety disorder information.
Yes I know... I posted this because I feared a Negative Reaction in the Brain
(psychosis or something) from the flashing light itself. It doesn't seem
likely but you watch this light for 15 minutes... I figure now, however,
that if 30 people(in a study) did this for migraine and none of them went
psychotic, it is safe....
Sorry to any people who find that I am in the wrong NG....
My original question was if the flashing of a white light into the eyes(lids
closed) would be able to cause adverse neurological/psychological probs... I
think I answered my own question when I just stated that nobody in the
literature on this has had a "breakdown" after receiving this treatment.