Is flashing light/photic stimulation with sonic stim. to change brain waves a legit therapy???

Richard Norman rsnorman at mediaone.net
Fri Apr 13 08:22:58 EST 2001

Watching flashing lights and listening to sounds are
certainly not harmful, as long as the stimuli are not
too intense.  Lights flashing at particular frequencies
can elicit epileptic seizures in certain susceptible
individuals, but presumably that didn't happen to you.

If it helps you, then it is effective.  If not, then not.  That is
the real criterion.  Anxiety is a very strange beast and
different people respond very differently to therapies.

However, the pharmacological industry has developed a
large number of products that really are quite effective
and safe -- the benefits can far outweigh the risks.  You
should consider classical medical treatment if this fails.

"anxiety man" <saouglubsjb at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3AD69CDA.92947933 at hotmail.com...
> Hi,
> I hope I described this therapy correctly and I hope someone can answer
> my question.....
> I opted to see a practitioner of holistic medicine for my anxiety
> problems.... He is a family friend and someone my father trusts so I
> decided to try it out.
> What he does is:
> a) puts glasses on me that flash at certain intervals (believe this is
> called "photic stimulation")
> b) I wear headphones and listen to sounds that are supposed to affect my
> brainwaves
> c) he acts as a hypnotherapist while this is going on
> Is this treatment effective???
> Is it safe????
> I have a rather intense case of anxiety in which I manifest physical
> symptoms, if you wanted to know.
> The idea of this was to make me able to control my brainwaves or
> something like that, so as to be able to be calm and anxiety free.
> I was concerned that #1 - this is "quackery" and doesn't work or #2 - i
> could damage myself by looking at the flashing lights (altho my eyes are
> closed)
> Anyone know if this therapy is legit????
> Please email me if you can answer.
> thank you,
> AM

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