I thought readers of bionet.neuroscience might be interested in this
book. For more information please visit http://mitpress.mit.edu/promotions/books/BOWCHF00.
Computational Modeling of Genetic and Biochemical Networks
edited by James M. Bower and Hamid Bolouri
The advent of ever more sophisticated molecular manipulation techniques
has made it clear that cellular systems are far more complex and dynamic
than previously thought. At the same time, experimental techniques are
providing an almost overwhelming amount of new data. It is increasingly
apparent that linking molecular and cellular structure to function will
require the use of new computational tools.
This book provides specific examples, across a wide range of molecular
and cellular systems, of how modeling techniques can be used to explore
functionally relevant molecular and cellular relationships. The modeling
techniques covered are applicable to cell, developmental, structural,
and mathematical biology; genetics; and computational neuroscience. The
book, intended as a primer for both theoretical and experimental
biologists, is organized in two parts: models of gene activity and
models of interactions among gene products. Modeling examples are
provided at several scales for each subject. Each chapter includes an
overview of the biological system in question and extensive references
to important work in the area.
James M. Bower is Professor of Biology at the California Insitute of
Technology and an Affiliate Faculty Member of the Interdisciplinary
Center for Neural Computation at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Hamid
Bolouri is Professor of Neural Systems at the University of
Hertfordshsire and Visiting Associate, Division of Biology, California
Institute of Technology.
Hamid Bolouri, Mark T. Borisuk, G. Bormann, James M. Bower, Dennis Bray,
F. Brosens, Jehoshua Bruck, Kathy Chen, Eric H. Davidson, Alain
Destexhe, Bard Ermentrout, Carl A. J. M. Firth, Stefanie Fuhrman,
Michael Andrew Gibson, William A. Goddard III, Eric Mjolsness, Vaidehi
Nagarajan, Bela Novak, E. de Schutter, Roland Somogyi, John J. Tyson,
Xiling Wen, Chiou Hwa Yiuh.
7 x 9, 390 pp., 126 illus., cloth ISBN 0-262-02481-0
Computational Molecular Biology series
A Bradford Book