Music and IQ

Dr.Matt fields at login.itd.umich.edu
Sat Sep 30 11:04:42 EST 2000

In article <970322772.5922.0.nnrp-01.9e98440f at news.demon.co.uk>,
David Webber <dave at musical.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>Dominique Larré <Dominique.Larre at wanadoo.fr> wrote in message
>news:8r4aeg$r3k$1 at wanadoo.fr...
>> Not with a bell or gong.
>Bells and gongs are different because they're cylindrical in their symmetry.
>If you solve the equation for an oscillating string fixed at its ends you
>get familiar sine waves.

Assuming the diameter and stiffness of the string are negligible. In
the real world, just about everything is a bit off.

>If you solve the same equation for a circular membrane held at its rim, then
>you get bessel functions instead of sine waves.

Even Bessel functions represent an ideal approximation.

>Dave Webber
>Author of MOZART the Music Processor for Windows - http://www.mozart.co.uk
>Member of the North Cheshire Concert Band http://www.northcheshire.org.uk

        For spammers: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~fields/uce.htm
      More for spammers: http://www.goldinc.com/cgi-bin/harvest_this.cgi
       My CD "Kabala": http://www-personal.umich.edu/~fields/cd.html
Matt Fields DMA http://listen.to/mattaj TwelveToneToyBox http://start.at/tttb

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