Music and IQ

Jonathan Rhee jr1015 at columbia.edu
Fri Sep 29 17:57:22 EST 2000

Ugh. If you substitute Elvis Costello for John Denver the last statement is
true. When I think of John Denver I thank the stars that small recreational
planes are generally inspected only by their owners.

Jonathan Rhee

"Robert Calvert" <Hercules01 at webtv.net> wrote in message
news:6583-39CFFA71-59 at storefull-154.iap.bryant.webtv.net...
> I sometimes wonder if there's a correlation between IQ score and
> preferences for certain kinds of music. As politically incorrect as it
> may sound, I strongly suspect that this is the case. When I think of
> "intelligent" music, the first thing that comes to my mind is John
> Denver. :-)
>         Robert

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