Music and IQ

Dr.Matt fields at login.itd.umich.edu
Fri Sep 29 13:40:03 EST 2000

In article <970245677.388.0.nnrp-08.9e98440f at news.demon.co.uk>,
David Webber <dave at musical.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>Dr.Matt <fields at login.itd.umich.edu> wrote in message
>news:Vn0B5.5052$O5.109521 at news.itd.umich.edu...
>> >one below 20.
>> 19 works.
>But the fourth and fifth are a bit further out than with
>2^(11/19) = 1.4938
>2^(8/19) = 1.3389
>2^(7/12) = 1.4983
>2^(5/12) = 1.3348
>although the major third is slightly better

So 12 is slightly better for medieval music and 19 for Renaissance music.
A lot of folks swear by 31. Me, I don't fret it.

>No, if my saxophone is going to have all those extra buttons to play in
>tune, I'll bit the bullet and go straight for 53 :-)

Let's work on telescoping slides.


        For spammers: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~fields/uce.htm
      More for spammers: http://www.goldinc.com/cgi-bin/harvest_this.cgi
       My CD "Kabala": http://www-personal.umich.edu/~fields/cd.html
Matt Fields DMA http://listen.to/mattaj TwelveToneToyBox http://start.at/tttb

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