Music and IQ

David Webber dave at musical.demon.co.uk
Fri Sep 29 09:21:14 EST 2000

Dr.Matt <fields at login.itd.umich.edu> wrote in message
news:Vn0B5.5052$O5.109521 at news.itd.umich.edu...

> >one below 20.
> 19 works.

But the fourth and fifth are a bit further out than with

2^(11/19) = 1.4938
2^(8/19) = 1.3389


2^(7/12) = 1.4983
2^(5/12) = 1.3348

although the major third is slightly better




No, if my saxophone is going to have all those extra buttons to play in
tune, I'll bit the bullet and go straight for 53 :-)
Although playing a legato chromatic scale might sound a little like a gliss

Dave Webber
Author of MOZART the Music Processor for Windows - http://www.mozart.co.uk
Member of the North Cheshire Concert Band http://www.northcheshire.org.uk

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