On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 09:48:32 +0200, Hans-Georg Michna
<hans-georgNoEmailPlease at michna.com> wrote:
>Hercules01 at webtv.net (Robert Calvert) wrote:
>>>I sometimes wonder if there's a correlation between IQ score and
>>preferences for certain kinds of music. As politically incorrect as it
>>may sound, I strongly suspect that this is the case. When I think of
>>"intelligent" music, the first thing that comes to my mind is John
>>Denver. :-)
>>yes, musical ability and IQ are correlated. The current main
>hypothesis is that making music is a method to advertize a
>well-working brain, hence musical activity is most intense in
>young adult age.
>>Music (and a sports car) is for humans what the tail is for the
But why are we so interested in late styles of composers?
A prelude by Johann Sebastian Bach performed by the guitarist, Lord Baden Powell
- Chr. J. van Geel