re mulfico motor neuropathy

lorraine menary lmenary at sympatico.ca
Mon Sep 25 20:34:58 EST 2000

Dear Doctors:  I have been searching the internet regarding multifocal
motor neuropathy. My 37 year old niece was diagnosed one year ago with
this disorder.  The testing was done on a machine which measures the
muscles and nerves and in doing so they claimed this was mmn.  Why
wouldn't an EEG be done along with a spinal tap.

. I have taken it upon myself to help this beautiful family. The doctor
informed her she has 20% muscle loss.  He talked about using a blood
protein product.  Is there any other form of treatment/medication
regimen.  How much does John Hopkins know about this disorder?  Would
you be so kind as to let me know and we would pay any fee for
information re the above disorder.

Mrs. L. menary,
4 Sutherland Dr, R27,
Toronto, Ontario. Mrg lG8 or e-mail me at lmenary at sympatico.ca or call
and reverse the charges to my 'phone 416-4296293.  thanks kindly.


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