The following abstract was found at the National Library of
Medicine PubMed website. It's statements about the structure
of perception appear to be more advanced in knowledge that I
can find in other abstracts on the "body in the brain" issue.
I plan to acquire the full paper this week at the NLM.
Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 1998;50:196-201
The construction of tridimensional representation of body
and external reality in man. The greatest achievement of
evolution to date implications for virtual reality.
Woodbury MA Sr, Woodbury MF
Puerto Rico Institute of Psychiatry, Miramar.
Our 3-D Body Representation constructed during development
by our Central Nervous System under the direction of our DNA,
consists of a holographic representation arising from sensory
input in the cerebellum and projected extraneurally in the
brain ventricular fluid which has the chemical structure of
liquid crystal. The structure of 3-D holographic Body
Representation is then extrapolated by such cognitive
instruments as boundarization, geometrization and gestalt
organization upon the external environment which is perceived
consequently as three dimensional. When the Body Representation
collapses as in psychotic panic states. patients become terrified
as they suddenly lose the perception of themselves and the world
around them as three dimensional, solid in a reliably solid
environment but feel suddenly that they are no longer a person
but a disorganized blob. In our clinical practice we found
serendipitously that the structure of three dimensionality
can be restored even without medication by techniques involving
stimulation of the body sensory system in the presence of a
benevolent psychotherapist. Implications for Virtual Reality
will be discussed.
Visit Ian Williams Goddard -->
(+) Something can come from nothing, if, and only if, (-)
(-) that something is equal to nothing ((-)+(+) = 0). (+)
"[I]n any closed universe the negative gravitational energy
cancels the energy of matter exactly. The total energy, or
equivalently the total mass, is precisely equal to zero."
- + - + Dr. Alan Guth (The Inflationary Universe) + - + -