Perceptual Structure

Ian Goddard igoddard at erols.mom
Tue Sep 19 10:31:48 EST 2000

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 09:08:36 GMT, "Glen M. Sizemore"
<gmsizemore at triad.rr.com> wrote:

>>If perception requires copies, then how is it that we
>>perceive the copies? Putting the world inside the
>>head is no explanation of perception.
>IAN: Well, we do perceive data inside our brain and
>I  suspect we can agree that that's what happens
>when you  are dreaming during sleep. Exactly how
>that happens is  a deeper issue than that which I've
>addressed in my  essay:
>Glen: No, we don't perceive "data inside our brain."
>We "must do something else with it" since
>perceiving requires copies.

  IAN: If no data in the brain is perceived,
  then where do you perceive your dreams? I
  guess you're saying that during dreaming 
  your brain has not modeled a simulated 
  world you inhabit in a simulated body.

>IAN: The claim that we see anything outside of our
>brain  is automatically refuted by the physical fact
>that  you can't perceive a thing before data radiating
>from it has reached and entered your brain.
>Glen: This is nonsense. But I don't expect you to
>understand, and I do not expect you to even attempt
>to understand. 

  IAN: So why don't you explain how an observer can
  see, for example, a super nova before photons from 
  that super nova have reached the observer's brain?
  Maybe by dialing the Psychic Friends Network? :)

>IAN: Given that all perceived data is inside the brain,
>it follows that all you perceive is in your brain,
>and is a representation of the unseen external world.
>Glen: Who has "given" this? The notion that the
>world somehow penetrates the person is the worse
>thing that ever happened to psychology, philosophy,
>and neurobiology.

  IAN: It sounds like the representational model 
  of perception challenges your world paradigm.
  It also challenged mine, but because I was not
  able to explain how you can perceive data before
  it enters your brain, I modified my world paradigm.
  The result was a model that explains many anomalies.
Visit Ian Williams Goddard --> http://www.erols.com/igoddard 
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