On Sun, 17 Sep 2000 14:52:39 GMT, "Glen M. Sizemore"
<gmsizemore at triad.rr.com> wrote:
>If perception requires copies, then how is it that we
>perceive the copies? Putting the world inside the
>head is no explanation of perception.
IAN: Well, we do perceive data inside our brain and I
suspect we can agree that that's what happens when you
are dreaming during sleep. Exactly how that happens is
a deeper issue than that which I've addressed in my
essay: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/paranorm.htm
Furthermore, the fact that we may not now be able to
answer the question of how the brain perceives data
in it is not a counter argument to the proposition
that all perceived data is in the brain. I may not
know how my car converts gas into motion, but I can
know that all the gas it converts is inside the car.
Likewise, I may not know how my brain converts the
data that goes into it into the things I perceive,
but I can know that all the data I perceive has
already entered my brain and been proceed therein.
The claim that we see anything outside of our brain
is automatically refuted by the physical fact that
you can't perceive a thing before data radiating
from it has reached and entered your brain. I
believe that this is hardly a disputable matter.
Given that all perceived data is inside the brain,
it follows that all you perceive is in your brain,
and is a representation of the unseen external world.
GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm
Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the Official Story