Evolution vs. De-Evolution

George Bajszar gyuri at usa.net
Mon Sep 18 06:24:48 EST 2000

Evolution vs. De-evolution

The natural process of our body is to de-evolve. If we would all stop
using our legs, they would de-evolve in a few hundred or thousand
generations. Naturally, everything has the tendency to de-evolve thus
providing minimally evolved systems to survival, including our

The process of evolution is very strongly guided by de-evolutional
aspects. In the future if machines would be serving us and relieving
the burden of our creativity due to their superior intellects, there
would be no survival and economic pressures for us to use our brains
and we would begin a rapid de-evolution process in our intelligence.

Only when stressing organs to uncomfortable levels do we experience
evolution? We are all struggling for better life, but it is the
necessity of humanity to stay uncomfortable that drives our
intellectual evolution, otherwise we would all de-evolve quickly.

The extent of intellectual de-evolution can take place incredibly
rapidly. To point out one example, in one neuropsychological test it
was shown that senior citizens moving to retirement homes dropped in
their IQ dramatically within one year compared to ones who stayed at
home to take care of themselves after retirement.

The brain has to be used actively every single day for it to stay
young. Young people have more hormones that naturally motivate them to
be active. Older people were shown to be able to maintain their IQ when
they remained mentally active.

Many people think that if they win the lottery, they would quit their
jobs and move to an exotic location and stop working. Most Americans
are obsessed with pursuing a financial goal that 99% will never reach.
They miss out on a lot of life because of this work obsession. But then
again, more work comes with more stress and that sparks evolution.

Stress invites evolutionary mutations in higher levels, thus more
cancer, more health problems, more psychiatric problems and more
obesity (it is well known that food relaxes stress temporarily).
Americans must always chew on something, such as chips, sodas, etc.
These things, especially carbohydrate substances that add to blood
sugar levels give a feeling of temporal calming. The result is the 50%
obesity related to stress. In Europe the rate is much lower as work and
lifestyles are much more relaxed (some other factors as well), thus
people are not so addictive to relaxing appetizers.

Quite interesting information I found recently is that evolutionary
mutations are not completely random as it was thought. This has been
shown by bacteria in a sugar solution to mutate toward metabolizing
sugar faster than random chances would predict.

The same type of mutations plays a big role in human evolution as well.
One such example of a decision-making system is a neuron. A neuron
forms connections with other neurons, and since this network formation
is completely automated and independent from intelligence, the same
rules guiding mutations of bacteria beating chances probably governs
neuronal network formation toward the desired state. We did evolve from
bacteria originally.

So to explain neurons, one must speculate as to how bacteria beat
chances of mutation. One idea I had is to place focus on de-
evolutionary features. Bacteria may evolve toward many directions at
once, but de-evolves toward the unnecessary features automatically, the
same way our legs would de-evolve if we would not need them. Or the
bacteria de-evolve, as it cannot metabolize whatever it was originally
intended for into some basic un-metabolizing form and starts with a
clean program somehow. Speculation is needed in this area, but I don't
think the problem will be very hard to solve, and insight then might be
naturally given to the rules of neural network formations.

Our body invites mutations when undergoing stress. Our body is very
stupid actually. An example. When we see something very disgusting or
hear sudden very stressful news, many people throw up as a result. The
body thinks that it feels stress, and its only conclusion is that there
must be some biological problems causing the stress. So the first
reaction is that it gets rid of all the food in the stomach by throwing
up and stress is also usually accompanied by diarrhea.

People under extended stress develop all kinds of health problems.
Kidney problems, liver problems, arthritis, and many other diseases,
all results of stress as the body is just stupid and reacts without a
brain to stress: "duh, must be bad food". Chemical imbalances appear
everywhere in the body. Such imbalances invite mutations, just as seen
with bacteria, and tumors, vascular diseases, and all the classic
diseases leading deaths are typical results of developed from ongoing

Many cultures realized the secret to long healthy life: no stress and
the only thing the body appreciates: "good food" and exercise.
Unfortunately that type of lifestyle would result in intellectual de-
evolution. Evolution needs an unhealthy stressful lifestyle.

George Bajszar

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