Hi Bloxy,
I have shown you that once you started talking nonsense, you
authorize people to talk nonsense to you. It's only fair, isn't it? Or
is it a one-way street in your world?
I am in the middle of a legitimate dialog with intellectuals, and
interrupted by your nonsense, don't I have right to talk nonsense to
you? You deserved it.
What do you expect? A decent conversation?
In article <8q0llm$nju$2 at nntp9.atl.mindspring.net>,
Bloxy's at hotmail.com (Bloxy's) wrote:
> In article <8q0f49$9o9$1 at nnrp1.deja.com>, teyh at my-deja.com wrote:
> >Hi Bloxy,
> >
> > Is it you? It's nice to know that you are still around after
> >being kicked out by AOL and every other discussion groups on earth.
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