Announcement: Release of BioMail 0.61
"New references from Medline to your e-mail account"
To register as a user:
To read more about BioMail:
BioMail is a web-based application for medical researchers,
biologists, and anyone who wants to know the latest information
about a disease or a biological phenomenon.
It is written to automate searching for recent scientific
papers in the PubMed Medline database.
BioMail is free and will stay free.
What does BioMail do?
Periodically BioMail does a user-customized Medline search
and sends all matching articles recently added to Medline to
the users' e-mail address. HTML-formatted e-mails generated
by BioMail can be used to view selected
references in medline format (compatible with most
reference manager
Benefits of using BioMail
-Automates literature searches so you don't miss new papers
-Helps user 'refine' search patterns and then stores them
-Converts results into several formats for import into reference
manager applications
-Allows Medline searching without fast or continuous web access
New in version 0.61
-Has 'Reference Treasury' for storing important references
-Abstracts available by clicking a button in your html formatted
BioMail is released under GNU GPL license. BioMail was written in Perl
for Linux. It was also checked under Sun Solaris7, Irix 6.5 (on SGI),
Tru64 Unix 4.OE (on Digital alpha), and should be fine for other Unix
BioMail requires a standard Perl distribution and two additional Perl
from CPAN -- LWP::Simple and Mail::Mailer.
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