Robot Dreams

Dennis Clark dlc at lamar.ColoState.EDU
Sun Sep 10 21:16:45 EST 2000

In comp.robotics.misc George Bajszar <gyuri at usa.net> wrote:
[silly snipping done]

> There are reasons people sleep. We know if we don't get enough sleep,
> our short and long term memory is stronly affected, so it is a natural
> conclusion to think that a cleanup or reorganization of our memory is
> occurring during sleep, more particularly the dreaming process is
> strongly associated to memory. For an AI system such cleanup could be
> setup daily, or simultaneously while it is awake.

  I call this mental "garbage collection", without which our brains would
  become full and the stack will get overrun.  Insanity then ensues.

* Dennis Clark    Mechanical Engineering    Behavior Based Robotics *
* dlc at verinet.com  www.verinet.com/~dlc  Colorado State University  *

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