help: cognitive neuropsychology

João Veríssimo joao_verissimo at clix.pt
Sat Sep 2 16:12:02 EST 2000

I have to write a paper for University on Cognitive Neuropsychology.
Basically, i´ll have to prove that the interest of cognitive neuropsychology
is based on the rejection of Lashley´s mass action/equipotentiality
After thinking about it, the main question in my mind became something like:
"Is it possible to build a model of normal functioning based on  data from
neuropathology, if the impairment is not selective?"
If we reject equipotentiality, we´re assuming some degree of functional
specialization, right? And it is clear to me that it is easier (and maybe
the only way) to arrive to conclusions on the functional arquitecture and
underlying cognitive processes, if we study modular processes, selective
impairments, etc.(according to Jerry Fodor what is not modular cannot even
be studied). On the other hand, and according to Tim Shallice, we can find
double dissociations in non-modular systems and even in PDP/connectionist

After all this, the main question remains. I want to know, and really
appreciate anyone´s help on this, if you know any books, articles, authors
(and i would thank you a lot for your own opinions) where the theme is

Is modularity absolutely necessary for a science of neuropsychology? If yes,
how can i prove it? If not, what are the exceptions?

Thank you very much.
João Veríssimo (joao_verissimo at clix.pt)

P.S.: I would appreciate if the answers were sent to the newsgroup because i
don´t think my mail address is functioning correctly. Thank you.

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