Read This

Michael Michael_nzl at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 31 12:17:46 EST 2000

Could Pokemon be created? Mabey they could, There bodies could be made by
genticly enegenering other animals. e.g. A bird can be easly turned into
a pidgy. But making pokemon do what they do on TV would be alot harder for
many reasons. - If pokemon worked the same as real life Ash would be dead
and the human race would be wiped out because pokemon are more powerful then
humans. - Pokemon fire or other moves cannot kill a person. - They have Teleportation
but not even roads between cities. 
There are ways to overcome this. If all pokemon are controled by a central
super computer by transmitter attached to there brains. The fight will haved
to be computer controled so no harm is done to the pokemon but used speical
effects to make it look like they are fighting. A new type of fire will need
to be invented, one that do not burn. And pokemon will need a Air to Matter/Enegey
converter built into them. (by the way have not been invented) Making the
pokemon go into the pokeball will be the hardest. But it might be able to
be done, The pokemon can have built in equpiment that will deconstrut the
pokemon and store it in the pokeball.

Reply to Michael_nzl at hotmail.com


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