Thanks so much for your response -- I would have done the same
Zach N.
In article <kAlK5.8$zr1.10524 at>, "Richard
Norman" <rsnorman at> wrote:
> "Xuxa Thorson" <Xoxana at> wrote in message
> news:6622-39F99CFD-14 at>> I refuse to include the text of this message in my reply because
> I believe it to be offensive and racist. I do not know how else to
> interpret a message that claims that "The main difference
> between a human brain and that of other animals is the prefrontal
> cortex. Most mammals have little or no prefrontal cortex." and then
> two sentences later "It has been said that the prefrontal cortex is
> what makes us "human" only to follow a few sentences later with
> "The largest difference between Caucasian and Negroid brains
> is that Caucasians have a much larger and better developed
> prefrontal cortex." The clear assumption intended from this is
> that "Negroids" (whatever that may mean) are not really human or,
> perhaps, a type of human but clearly "lower" than "Caucasians"
> (whatever that may mean).
>> I, a rapidly aging white male, am one of the "Liberals [who] make
> the false claim that there is no correlation between intelligence
> or behavior and the size or condition of the brain. "
>> There is so much wrong with this posting it is hard to know where
> to begin. It certainly won't be enough simply to repeat that there
> is no such thing as a biological "race" in the human population,
> that what we call the african- asian- or european- groups of peoples
> differ more within groups that between groups. It may be clear that
> humans differ from other mammals, but I dispute your argument about
> "Negroid" brains as well as your claims about the relation between
> brain condition and "intelligence". There certainly is some relation
> but the acquired, learned, cultural aspects of intelligence are so
> predominant as to virtually blot out any biological aspect.
>> I also believe that it is not enough to simply ignore or overlook
> racist propaganda. It must be vigorously denied and opposed.